
Showing posts from December, 2021

Disney has a wholesome, family-friendly image. Will pivoting to gambling hurt its brand?

There aren't many better times to launch a family-friendly streaming service than 4 months before everyone gets locked inside — and it showed for Disney. After launching in November 2019, Disney+ went on to hit 100 million subscribers in record time. People were watching more content than ever, and Disney felt confident it could raise its targets. It settled on a goal of between 230 million and 260 million subscribers by the end of 2024. After such a fast start, many thought that would be easy for Disney but when it reported its latest earnings Disney said things were slowing down and reported that it added just 2 million new paid customers in its latest quarter. Investors responded by sending Disney's shares down more than 7%. Investors didn't care that Parks swung back into profit or that Disney believes it is still on track to hit 230M to 260M subs by 2025. Many investors worry growth for Disney+ is tapping out. With streaming growth stalling, what can save the day for D...

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