FikaBits: SoftBank jumps on the SPAC wagon

Last week, SoftBank Vision Fund head Rajeev Misra said he is preparing a SPAC. The SPAC will be run by Vision Fund investment advisors and will include money from Vision Fund 2 and outside investors. SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son previously said he planned to raise a second $108 billion for the second Vision Fund. However, Misra has struggled to raise money for the second vision fund after poor performance from Vision Fund 1 and the pandemic have curbed outside interest.

This could be yet another indication of how easy it has been to raise money through SPACs. SPACs are the trend du jour of investing. As discussed previously, there are several reasons why they are hot; however, I think investors should do their due diligence before they hop on the SPAC wagon. For me, SPACs are the next investing bubble

Disclaimer: This post is merely my own assessment and is not an investment recommendation. For professional advice, seek input from a licensed investment advisor.


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