Jassy is in, Bezos is out: A yawn is the greatest compliment to both

Jeff Bezos is stepping into a more holistic role as executive chairman, meaning that Amazon is set to have a new CEO for the first time in its almost 27-year history. That person is Andy Jassy, who first joined Amazon in 1997.

In the context of Amazon's business, Jassy's credentials couldn't be stronger. Back in 2006 he led the team that set up Amazon Web Services (AWS), and he has been involved in running the division under various titles ever since — most recently as CEO.

Although most consumers know Amazon for its global e-commerce prowess, it is actually AWS that is still the profit center at the company. Amazon's most recent numbers revealed 2020 revenue of $386B. AWS made up only 12% of that revenue number, but its sky high profit margins mean it makes up almost 60% of Amazon's total operating profit.

Under Jassy's leadership AWS has grown into a market leader, with almost one-third of the cloud computing market. With that track record Jassy was always going to be a contender for the top job at Amazon, and then last summer Jeff Wilke, who had been running Amazon's consumer business, decided to retire early - leaving Jassy as sole heir apparent.

The market's reaction to Jassy's appointment and Bezos leaving has been very positive. Investors yawned at Bezos leaving, with the stock barely budging after-hours. It's as a vote of confidence that the empire Bezos built is strong enough to stand without him front-and-center and that Jassy is the right successor.

The way Bezos is stepping down as CEO and his new role are very reminiscent of the first time Howard Schultz stepped down as CEO of Starbucks. Jeff Bezos will want to avoid Schultz’s mistakes and make sure his shadow isn’t ruining it for the new CEO of Amazon. That's the biggest risk to Jassy in my opinion. I really hope that they work it out. 

For his part, if Jassy can turn Amazon into the kind of profit machine that he morphed AWS into, then his lasting legacy will be in re-engineering the business of innovation itself. He'll be guaranteed to join the hall of fame of towering businessmen and capital allocators that his predecessor tops. 

Disclaimer: This post is merely my own assessment and is not an investment recommendation. For professional advice, seek input from a licensed investment advisor.


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